Kuwait City a beginner's guide
Kuwait looks and feels like Phoenix and it smells like Columbia,SC. Anyways I learn about TCN (third country nationals) - they are basically like slaves. They would be comparable to Mexicans in the states but worse. I mean the Kuwaitis treated them like dogs. It's weird, my handler is from Mississippi and I mean he is Mississippi thru and thru, but he showed so much kindness to those TCNs it was incredible. It was weird - for us as Americans we think of people from Mississippi as backward racists hicks, but in Kuwait he was the one of the kindest people they knew. If there were more Americans like that we wouldn’t be in the situation we are in now. At any rate I went to my spot and went to sleep.
We left out the next morning.
One thing that was wild is that they had some horrific car wrecks. The way it works out here is that there are six departments responsible for taking crash reports and until each department comes and checks it out, the car can't be moved. So you have Porsches, lambos, Ferraris, and all sorts of exotics just wrapped around telephone poles, walls, and flipped over. I mean they are rolling like 95 to 120 mph on the streets.
Another thing is these people are filthy rich this is a 600,000 sq ft home. It costs 100 dollars per square foot. Do the math.
You know how they pick up Mexicans in a trucks to do day work? Well they do that here as well with TCNs, but they drop them off on the interstate and they have to run to the other side of the interstate to get home. Think of a major interstate in your city (75, 40, 65, 20, 10, 85, 17) and think of someone picking someone up on the left side of the interstate and then dropping them off on the right side of the other side of the interstate (i.e. getting picked up on 40W and then dropped off on 40E) and then they have to run across the interstate to get to their homes. Think about someone running across I-75 to get home.
At any rate, I get dropped off at the Military base in the morning and then I get handed over to my Marine handlers.
Here are some more pics of the place that I could get.
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