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Monday, May 30, 2005

The most terrifying day in Iraq

Ken Obi, Mahi Mahi, and I were walking from one of our sites and we see the large thing moving slowly about 50 meters away. What saw that it was a LARGE and when I say large I'm talking 8ft(1.5m) 800lbs (350kg) LARGE. Talk about being overcome with fear we were walking and were looking at a Komodo Dragon for those that don't know what a Komodo Dragon looks like here is your hint.

From my years of National Geographic, Nature, and Discovery Channels. I knew that Komodo Dragons are NOT indegenious to Iraq. So it had to be brought here and it could have escaped a nearby zoo during the events of OIF. Whatever, all I know is it got it out here and from the Nature channel I know that Komodo Dragons

1. Are poisonous
2. Can run in short bursts up to 30 mph (20 kph)
3. Have strong tails that can break legs and is one of the ways that it will subdue its prey.
4. Are know to eat attack and eat humans when hungry.

That being said. We spun 180° and kicked rocks.

Here is a nice little ariticle on why you never want to be near one of those terrible beasts.


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