Continue to commune with greatness.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

From the Peanut Gallery - 22 Jun 2006

Hi all I just figured I drop in to fill you all in on the who's and what's.

Q. I hear you are back in Iraq.
A. Yes, I've been back here for about 65 days or so, I was trying to fly under the radar on it and not let people know. But with all things good news travels fast.

Q. Are you going to start up your blog again?
A. Not really, not becasue I don't want to but, I'm working a different mission this time and I can really talk about it. The good thing is however in 20 years it will be a best seller. There are WAY more personalties this time around then there were last time.

Q. Why would you go back didn't you have enough of that.
A. $, why do you go to a job you hate?

Q. I thought you said you didn't want to go back.
A. I didn't however the type of technology I'm working on now was too tempting to pass up. I was "this" close from resigining from my company because of the strain this would cause in my personal life but, from a technical standpoint I'm glad that I did.

Q. They must be paying you?
A. Yeah, I guess.

Q. So how is it this time?
A. Well in someways it is much better, but in others it's much worse.

Q. Can we get some more Rogue's Galleries?
A. Yep! This one is going to be mostly Rogue's Galleries.

Q. How is it this time.
A. I've seen more crazy stuff this time, I see how sick and disturbing that some of the Iraqis are here. I know what my peacenik brothers and sisters are thinking about our horrible US soliders but, when you are exposed to the horrors that some Iraqis have been doing to other Iraqis. It changes what you know.

Q. Where you at?
A. In Iraq obviously.

Q. Tommie, are you a merc or security or something?
A. Nope, guns aren't my hustle.

Q. I don't know nothin 'bout army life.....when are you off the hook for good?
A. Whenerver I want and never. This lifestyle as shitty as it is can be very addictive. After you finish getting sickened by it, you get used to it.

Q. I thought you were a civilian?? How can they make you go back??
A. "They" can't make me do anything, my experience in performing my job in a combat enviroment with miminal oversight and diffcult customers has made me somewhat of the superstar. I mean no one keeps their start on the bench for the big dance. If I don't want to come back all I have to do is a shitty job.

I could have always tended my resigniation and I do have a signifigant savings from my last two tours but, I didn't want to do that. In reality I can only complain SO much but still. The thing that gets me is that by the end of this I'll have spend the last 15 of 24 months in Iraq and there are engineers that do the same job I do and get paid more that haven't even stepped in Iraq. The way my job was explained to me is that each engineer has to rotate. These dudes come to work crying about their wives and children don't want them to go so they get a pass. Single guy? Fuck you. Not very fair if you ask me.

Q. If you're kidnapped, what are you planning to do or say? You must have thought about it.
A. It would be a combination of me pissing on myself and thinking "fuck!". Knowing what I know about this place I'd pray for death before I'd ask for a kidnapping.

Q. At least you can tell us about all the good stuff the liberal media deliberately hides.
A. Exactly my brother, ask away.


Blogger ScoutBubba ,when attempting to communicate with greatness, said...

Glad your back on the grid. I was in the area in the first desert storm...Saudi actually, as EOD. I know your

Thursday, June 22, 2006 9:19:00 AM

Blogger Brown Shuga ,when attempting to communicate with greatness, said...

Well damn! When did all this happen?!? Hadn't spoken to you in a minute. Something just told me to click on your link and I got a surprise. Well...keep in touch!

~Brown Sugar~

Friday, June 30, 2006 4:24:00 PM


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