Continue to commune with greatness.

Monday, March 21, 2005

RIP Kayla Elizabeth Pierce: Age 0

I'm really having to do this more often than I think I should. I just got back from my travels and started checking my mail when I find out a good friend of mine Greg Pierce lost his baby. His wife was in her 33rd week and there were some complications at the hospital. From what I knew the baby was healthy and coming along fine and when I get back I hear the baby's heart just stopped. I haven't had a chance to talk to him and I don't know if I will for a while. Losing a child is unfathomable my brother and his wife went through a similar experience years ago and it just devistates everyone near you. I know when I read this my mind went back to the night I heard my brother lost his child.

There are never words that can properly express the sorrow that you feel for someone who is in this situation. I know when it happened to my brother I couldn't talk to him because I didnt know what to say. I think the worst part about it for me is that her death and funeral happened while I was on travel and I had no idea what happened until 2 days after the fact. It's just another event that I'll have to pack away and grieve about when I get the opportunity. Right now I'm just numb. I've been numb for a while. Greg I just want to let you, your wife, and your family are in my prayers during this difficult time. I don't have the words to make you feel better or change God's will but, know that I'm here and I care.

As for you litte Kayla, rest easy baby girl. Where you are going hearts beat eternally.




Blogger Amy ,when attempting to communicate with greatness, said...

Oh, I am sorry to hear about your friend's loss. Losing a child must be one of the most terrible things to go through. My most heartfelt condolences to them.

Monday, March 21, 2005 3:04:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous ,when attempting to communicate with greatness, said...

My heart hurts for your friend with the lost of a child. I have two lovely daughters (Kandice and Maya), would not know how to live without them. My prayers go out to this family. And you can look to The Lord for the strength and comfort you may need. My prayers are with you.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005 12:55:00 PM


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