Vegas, baby
Well, when I left for Iraq I asked my folks to check on my home for me while I'm away like once a month. Well they are heading to my house and I told them I would buy the tickets. Well I call my Mom and ask her for my grandparents full names. I've always known them as Grandma and Granddaddy people like this don't have first names. So being the guy that I am I bought them tickets as well. They have never been West of the Mississippi river and I don't think my Grandfather has ever been in an airplane I figure it would be a cool little trip. Well all the flights I could find all had stops in Vegas so I was like why don't I do something a little special for my Folks and my Grandparents since they are out that way. I got the tickets for Pheonix but, I also got a flight that has an overnight in Las Vegas and I got my folks a room at the Paris hotel with a window view across from the Belligio so they can see the water show from their rooms. Also if you have ever been in the Paris that is one hell of a hotel to stay in, I love it. Plus I want my folks to really enjoy some of the buffets that they have in Vegas and just have a good time and relax. They aren't gamblers, I'm the only gambler of my family (imagine your shock) so I'm not real pressed about that but, I figure I'd tighten them up with a bit of pocket change so they could tool around if they choose to. I figure about 2 grand in pocket change should be enough, don't you?
My friend Liv RAVES about that hotel! Jim and I are planning to stop by ourselves next year when we come over! You know, I have said it before, but your parents must be great people to have raised a wonderful son such as yourself Tommie Boy – my hat goes off to them, as it does to you! There is nothing more rewarding than being in a position to do nice things for your family – good for you!
Friday, March 11, 2005 10:44:00 PM
damn... that was really nice of you :) I know they will love it
Saturday, March 12, 2005 12:39:00 AM
Wow!!! I don't know why I didn't read this entry the other day. I read your other one about Capital Finance...all posted on same day. But anywho, I said all that to say, Awwwww! That is sooo sweet of you. Gosh. You ARE a wonderful son. Who woulda thought?!? What? With all the smart ass comments you have to say. *wink, wink* I love you Tommie! (smile)
Sunday, March 13, 2005 1:19:00 PM
When you are able to provide for your parents and other family members that helped you when you were getting on your feet, it feels GREAT!!!! You truly have came up a few notches.
Wednesday, March 16, 2005 7:20:00 AM
They will love it that's where Richard and moi got busy for the first time!!You are a great son TJ.I know it does your heart good to do these things for your family!! I don't agree with the blogger that you have come up a notch you have always been there!!
Tuesday, March 22, 2005 12:02:00 AM
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