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Friday, May 13, 2005

Tommie Hu$tle presents - Cribs Iraqi style: Frat House

The single most often asked question I get is where/how do you live so I'm starting a new edition called Cribs. As some of you may know I travel the country a lot and I live in very different environments and locations. I've sat on actually sending up pictures of these places just becasue I didn't have the energy to actually snap a picture.

So let me introduce you to my Cribs. This place is known as the Frat House it is probably one of the better locations becasue it is isolated from the Marines and Soliders and it give us a bit of peace and quiet as well as atomony. It is also rare becasue it is an old Iraqi hangar usually they dole these out to their pet units. The Marines don't care about Civilians at all and would just as likely have us sleeping on dirt rather than give us a proper area for working. I hope we can keep this place but I'm sure some wide-eyed Lt is going to want this place for their own playground. It's only a matter of time.

This is the entrance. If you look at the very top that's where I usually am when I'm making a call back home. It has some damn good reception when I'm out here.

This is the office and living area. As you can see. it has stairs to the top floor. We haven't decided how to properly utilize that top area but, I'm sure we will in the near future. One thing is that we have to clean the place up ourselves and there is a lot of junk up there and we don't have the manpower or incilnation to want to clean it up so...

This is where I sleep. This is not my main location so it is pretty threadbare. I'm only here mostly to lay my head.

This is the other side of the office/room not much to it but again this isn't my main place so I just use it to set up. The door over there that says "Point of no Return" There is a service closet that is back there but, I'm not pressed to go back there figuring what I've had to deal with in the past.

This is a projector bay. We use this to test the projectors after we get done cleaning the optics. The test is usually to play video games or watch a movie. Yes, it may sound like fun to you but it isn't we do that so we can stress test the projectors as far as keeping it running for a long time and testing the colors to make sure that the images are clean. I'm sure we could plug a laptop up to it and run a screen saver for 4 hours but what fun would that be?

This area here is connects to another field engineer's office as you can see it as a cargo container and a fan set up next to it. We use the fan and the cargo container to create a vaccuum that way we can clean the equipment a bit better.

This is the entrance to the batcave. We call it the batcave because actual bats live down there. Or they used to, on Marine while he was down there running wire killed a damn bat and the other two left as a result we have had an increase of rodents and insects in this area. It is a true example of the ecological system. But once we get the area down there cleaned up (and for me that mean throwing about 10 fumagator cans down the hole and see what happens) I'm not taking a step into that creep hole.

And that ladies and gentlemen is the Frat House, our next slide show will be of the Alamo.


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