PS: F-U T-Money
Oh by the way I wanted to issue T-Money a big F-U from a situation that happened about 10 months ago. I’m not going to name any names but, ALL the involved parties know who they are. It was this past summer and we were just chillin’ at my spot when one of our friends who lived near by called to say come over and take as swim.It was a particularly lazy Sunday and it was probably 115° F/ 46° C so no one was in a real mood to do anything but, there was beer involved so as always you tend to move. Well we get to this “friend’s” house and they have invited some more of their “friends” and their “friends” invited some “friends”. So it’s a small party where we were drinking beer and Bloody Mary’s to stay hydrated of course. Well I happened to catch one of the young ladies’eye. This is not unexpected simply because I am a sexy bastard and it happens all the time, it’s a natural reaction I suspect. Well this particular young lady made it known to Mr. Money that she was attracted to me and wanted to make my acquaintance. The only problem with this situation is that she looked something like this.
Well, Mr. Money being the fine upstanding gentleman that he is told her that I am kind of shy and that she should ask me if I would take a picture with her.
Well, Ms. Waddlesworth ambles over my way and asks if we can take a picture together. I’m like cool and I set up to take an off distance picture with her. One of those pictures where you are taking a picture with someone because you are in the frame basically. Then Mr. Money, the artist, who took a whole semester of photography in college, says,
“No, No you all should get closer. Now Tommie put your hand here, Ms. Waddlesworth stand like this. Ok get a little closer. Now then look like this.”
Of course that bastard has me hunched over this girl like I’m mounting a mechanical bull. Then he has the nerve to say,
“You all would make a cute couple”
Followed by his trademark “You are the most pathetically funny individual that I have seen ever in life, perhaps you were born solely to amuse me through your misery”™ laugh
I let him know my displeasure at being his comic foil through the use of a subtle hand signal. This seemed to only make him giddier, with the added fact that the token of my appreciation was caught on camera. Well that wasn’t the worst part, it seems every time his digital camera is in his vicinity and he needs a quick laugh, at my expense, he would produce this picture to show to everyone around and tell people
“Do you like this picture of Tommie Hustle and his babycakes.”
Comic genius at its height, I swear. I’m going to get you back one day just wait.
This post is explodet approved
Don't you just loooooove your friends? (smile)
Friday, February 18, 2005 8:11:00 PM
Ha ha ha TMONEY is still the same. Tommy Hustle you say you are sexy. What are you slanging between your legs. ha ha ha
Wednesday, February 23, 2005 8:35:00 AM
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