Continue to commune with greatness.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

I'm all erudite 'n shit.

This is cool as hell. I know that people read this blog but, I never really expect people to get anything out of it. From the other side I would envison this a time waster or something like that. You know I see people at work saying stuff like,

"I really don't feel like working this report today. Let me look at Tommie Hu$tle's blog and procrastinate some more."

Well today one of my fellow bloggers shot me an email and asked me to take a look at her quote of the week. Usually she gets some famous person or something like that but this time she used one of my sayings for her quote. I thought that was really cool. I mean when I think of quotes I think of something that someone said that you can apply to your own life and it has value. So that means, at least to one person my words have value. That very swass indeed.


Blogger Amy ,when attempting to communicate with greatness, said...

Oh, your words have a lot of value Tommie Boy.

Not just to me, I'm sure of that.

Actually, I find many of the things you say very profound indeed.

As I am sure, do many others.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005 5:31:00 AM


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