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Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Rail Riders

We have a term for people out here that are action junkies. I mean everyone out here is an action junkie to some extent but some go further than others. Rail Riders come from the term "riding the rail" that is to get as close to the edge as you can without falling off.

Some guys I know take unecessary chances "ride the rail" so they can go back home and tell awesome war stories about when they took fire or when something exploded or something like that. That's not my thing, I'll tell you right here and right now. I don't have any war stories and I don't have any desire to have a war story. If I ever have one I'm not telling anyone. It's not something I'd think I'd enjoy and I don't need the high.

I stay away from rail riders becasue they are psychotic in my opinion. They take unecessary risks and put others in danger for the glory of being someone who can say they did it.


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