Rogue's Gallery: 0015 SSgt. Huckleberry
SSgt Huckberry is on of the utility Marines that I work with, he has been a Godsend for me. I'm the resident diesel mechanic around here and if you know me that should tell you had sad the situation is. I'll tell anyone in a New York minute that I'm the smartest guy in the world. Not becasue I know everything but, I know how to find someone else that knows what I need to know. Back in the darker moments of this job I had to go out and network with people here and there to get what I needed. If anything I'm good at that.
Well SSgt Huckleberry is from some small town in Mississippi north of Gulfport and the like. He was married but, he got divroced from his wife of 14 years about 3 years ago he choose the job over home and she couldn't deal with it. Sometimes however distance gives people time to grow they have two kids together and from what I can tell he is all about his kids. He talks to his ex-wife daily and it seems like they will probably get married again once he gets out of here. He is retiring soon and wants to start over right. The thing that I liked about him most is that he isn't like most Marines. I mean I have guys coming to me all the time asking about getting a job with the company and how to do it. I never promise them anything but, I will always give them the company website and offer to help them with their resumes if they want it. Until SSgt. Huckleberry came around no one to date has been by my office for resume help.
Well he came in the office and once he saw that I had a computer he asked if he could use it because he needed to find some information. Well, I said sure (internet access is like gold around here) and what he logged onto I thought was going to cause a paradox in the timespace contimuim destroying the universe as we know it. The guy when to I mean this guy is using the internet to find the perfect coon dog.
I didn't think that was possible.
Freshening up the place
New logo, new column array, same content. I thought the blog needed a little dusting off.
Hey, great blog! I'm definitely going to bookmark it!
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Sunday, September 11, 2005 10:20:00 AM
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