Continue to commune with greatness.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Let's take a tour and see why I don't

This is some of the design in an Iraqi home. The center piece was probably some solid gold mantle that was looted during the riots.

This is the other door to the house. They had some beautiful glass designs in the home that I really liked. I wouldn't to it for my home but it looked really good.

Some Arabic script. I don't know what it is saying but, I do know that the US is supposed to leave as much art and script up as possible also US troops are not to deface any of this art or script. The US wants to preserve as much of the written history of Iraq as possible. Now then if the Iraqi people want to tear it down it is up to them but, for the US we keep the work that is still standing up.

Lake Taquaddum

This is a far as I plan on going. You see the wire setup there. That denotes that possibly there are UXO (unexploded ordinace) in the area. One thing the Iraqis were good at is hiding things under the sand. So around here there are all sorts of explosive devices in the area. I'll let your mind wander and think about what they could be. Needless to say I don't mess around near the lake too much. It's too bad that Saddam's government wouldn't allow the people to come to the lake. In the states this place would be a major resort town and maybe in the future it will be one.

Here is another shot of the lake I wanted to get to a higher vantage point but it was fenced off by UXO. This lake is probably as large as one of the Great Lakes.

Here is an old air bunker. The only thing inside of the air bunker is pigenons and crap (literally)

Here is a picture of one of the many aircraft that litter the landscape. This one is lucky to still be in one piece. Most aren't.

And finally this is the anwser to the second (or third) most asked questions I get. How do you look? Are you ok? Are they feeding you well? You haven't emailed me from the last time I emailed you 20 seconds ago, please don't be dead. Well now you have visual proof that that I have met at least 3 of those questions.

Now then there was one other place we went to that was an underground bunker. their had to be at least 10,000 bats hanging from the ceiling, we didn't stay in it long and I didn't take pictures figureing that the flash would have spooked the hell out of those bats and they would have rained down on us. I've watched enough movies to know that getting bitten by bats is a bad thing.


Anonymous Anonymous ,when attempting to communicate with greatness, said...

get a HAIRCUT! You will thank me later...

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 9:47:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous ,when attempting to communicate with greatness, said...

Man dude, whats up with the hair. I have never seen you with that much hair. Looks cool though. I say sport the style for a while when you come back to the states. I think it really looks cool!

Monday, May 23, 2005 8:57:00 PM


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