Continue to commune with greatness.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Friday night

Friday was probably the best night of my life. When I came home my brother invited me to go out with him to a professional happy hour. To many people this is normal to hang out with their siblings. Well for me it isn't my brother NEVER and I mean NEVER goes out.

When I got back to Atlanta my brother said that we were going to a work affair of his just the two of us. I was in pure heaven. My brother and I are very close but we are also very different I'm someone who likes to be out and about in the scene as it were for him he enjoys home and is a homebody. For him to go out on a Friday night for me is the same as Bush saying that he didn't expect the war to go like this.

I've always seen other brothers and sisters go out every now and again and I've always wanted to do that with my brother but he never wanted to go out. So much so that I stopped asking but, for him to actually ask me to go out and offer that was great. I was so excited and we had so much fun. It was nice to have time to hang with my brother and it just be the two of us to talk and drink and chill and just be boys. Spending time with him I can say brought me out of my funk.


Blogger Amy ,when attempting to communicate with greatness, said...

That's awesome Tommie Boy. Brothers can be best friends huh? Specially when you need 'em most! I'm so glad you two had a great time!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005 4:56:00 PM


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