Dammit there is a mouse in here!
Here I am sitting here minding my own business when I see something rather large out of the corner of my eye. I look over and up and I see this field mouse climbing down the Ethernet cabling. I'm not scared of mice or anything like that mind you. I just know that they are filthy, disease ridden beasts.
However, the mouse does remind me of some field mice that were running rampant in my home when I first moved in there. It was funny my ex and I had this elaborate mouse catching scheme where we would attempt to catch the mice alive. Well after about one night of hearing random scurrying in the room that didn't work out to well. So then my ex-girl had them executed via sticky traps. I still remember when one was caught it wasn't all the way dead and when we put it in the dumpster I could have sworn it was squeaking her name.
Good times.
Mice suck. I live next to a farm and believe me I know about them. Last year we actually had one get trapped between our walls in our TV room.
I was sitting there one night when I could here the little bastard chewing through the dry wall. Well we have a 17 1/2 pound Calico cat named Wilma (named after Wilma Flinstone you know 'cause she's the hot one), well I go and get her and post her at the sound of the scratching. As soon as he pokes his little head through and jumps out onto the floor the Wilmanator is on him and bingo no more mouse.
We don't have a problem in the house anymore but I still get the little bastards in the garage once in a while. As I said MICE SUCK!
Sunday, January 02, 2005 12:55:00 PM
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