Pride in America -1
I think America is the greatest country on the planet. Even with all its flaws I think the potential for opportunity for all it’s people far outshines that of other countries in the world. Could be just my limited worldview but, I’ll take it. That being said I’d really like for America to give its people some basics when they leave the country just to help them get along with the locals and understand the local customs. I was over by the office and this guy says (please turn on your hick accent now)
“Man I tell ya, I went to go to the BX to get some tobacco and they fuckin’ ran out. I asked one of them fuckin’ foreigners when they were gonna git some more and the fucker looked at me like I was goddamn crazy. I swear, I don’t even know why they have them damn foreigners working in the BX.”
I’m thinking to myself dude we are the fucking foreigners.
So to America I know that you are busy but if you get a little time please let some of our less enlightened citizens know that once you leave the country you are the foreigner.
PS – If you can do that before you give them a gun that would be an added plus I think.
Thinking of you,
Tommie Hustle
haha - this entire post is pretty goddamn funny, but I must say I like this one the best. Although I just need to correct you on one thing... sure, America is a great country, but the greatest? Ahhh, that's right, you have never been to Australia before have you? I forgive you then!!
Saturday, January 15, 2005 8:44:00 PM
yeah....i noticed that too. Yesterday some Army *Cough*loser*Cough* said "i wish all these hodgies would go home." I stared at the guy completely puzzled.
Sunday, January 16, 2005 8:35:00 AM
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