Dogs and Cats
I've never really been much of an animal lover I just don't get into it. Since being out here it has solidifed my view on that. I have seen and heard a lot of things since I've been out here. One of the most disturbing are the dogs and cats. If you watch action movies or war movies or shit like that they always show the hero killing like 300 underlings in an attempt to get to the main villian. What they don't show you is what happens when a dead body stays outside for about a day or two. Well everything for miles comes to take a bite of the tasty morsel. Insurgents unlike Military personnel don't have a "no man left behind policy". After a few of their buddies get shot trying to take on the great Satan the surviviors usually cut and run leaving the ribbons of flesh that used to be their point guy on the ground.
Not to long after the gunfire the dogs and cats show up and what do you think they do? They feast, the dogs and cats here will work together on cleaning the flesh off of a corpse. It's not a pretty sight on that has disturbed me terribly. On top of that the animals here have rabies and are feral. So put it like this you have feral animals that run in packs, with fleas, ticks, and rabies, AND on top of that they have a taste for human flesh.
As a result some units have a shoot and burn on site orders for dogs and cats. I for one don't blame them now I know some of you may think this is right up some units alley but the people I talk to hate doing it. Why because the have to bag and tag the critters. So not only to you have to shoot them but, you have to pick them up with all those fleas and ticks and then have to throw them in the burn area. I don't know if you have every had the pleasure of smelling burning hair or fur. Not pleasant. From my experiences now, I know now I'd never own a pet. The thought of one eating me while I'm dead on my kitchen floor has freaked me the hell out.
Yeesh. That's pretty harsh. I'd heard stories about pets eating people when trapped with their dead masters bodies, but that sounds like something out of a Steven King movie.
Tuesday, April 26, 2005 10:30:00 AM
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