Continue to commune with greatness.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Tommie Hustle, world traveler.

On my way back to Kuwait I stopped of in Paris. I was really excited about that I mean who wouldn't be it's Paris. The city of mother fucking love man. I mean Love, romance and all that heavy shit man!

Well as alwasys reality has a different take on what that means.

First of the people in France STINK and I mean STINK. However, I don't think that is becasue of poor personal hygene I think it is becasue of their lack of desire to use ventlation and a thing commonly known as "air condtitioning". Holy Christ on a stick I was almost about to pass out from the heat and the funk. It's like they elected George Clinton as President and he declared that this would be the renamed to the City of Funk or Ville de Trouille as the locals like to call it.

But that wasn't the worst part, my flight was next to a flight heading to Lagos (for my geographically challenged friends that is in Nigeria which is in Africa). OH MY GOD I had to deal with the one two punch of French AND African funk. God that was bad. This Nigerian woman was sitting next to me and she was quite "tart". The worst part was when she stood up to fan herself with her dress I'm not going to be crass about what the smell exactly was but I will say this when she fanned herself a litter of kittens fell out from the bottom of the dress. I took a direct blast but others near me felt the effects as well. If you ever had one of those times where you just wanted to blackout and wake up where you wanted to be this was one of those times. I damn sure was looking for my ruby slippers.

I was never so happy to get on a flight in my entire life.


Anonymous Anonymous ,when attempting to communicate with greatness, said...

Hell naw.. I'm about to wakeup my household from laughter @ you sayin a litter of kittens fell out of her dress when she fanned herself.. Thats just too terrible. my first time to your spot and i'm kracking up, thats a good sign.. i'll be back.. peace

Tuesday, June 28, 2005 10:16:00 PM

Blogger Unknown ,when attempting to communicate with greatness, said...

The worst part was the lady saying over and over again "It is so hot in here, it is so hot in here."

Dude it was bad.

Welcome to my little hovel feel free to start at the beginning and take some time to catch up with the rest of the class.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005 3:23:00 AM


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