Continue to commune with greatness.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Making the best out of a bad situation

Since I've been back I've been crazy busy. So much so that it doesn't leave me much time for anything let alone posting. Besides I don't have much to post about. Not that there aren't things going on because they most assuredly are but, it is against my policy to speak ill of people and situations here (on the blog at least) unless it is in the most extreme of situations.

I mean it's not all bad although I'm dreading the day Mahi-Mahi leaves. He's been around ever since stuff around here imploded and we just spend our time laughing about the situations because they are so crazy. We have so many inside jokes that it doesn't even make sense. We have whole conversations in code. He is leaving soon and he's already gone in to brain dump/I don't give a damn mode. Which we all do the closer we get to the exit date.


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